These Are The Worst Things About Living in Grand Rapids, Michigan
While we love our city, there are many issues that people may have.
A Reddit thread shared some of the worst things about living in Grand Rapids.
Do you agree?

Weather Is The Worst Thing About Living In Grand Rapids
When it comes to the weather in Grand Rapids, I will agree that there is a certain time of year when you want to move away.
"Just lack of sun between December and February."
Winter just is not the vibe in Grand Rapids or Michigan as a whole.
"Winter here is rough. I thought I was ready because I lived in much worse weather before I got here, but it's not the snow, it's not seeing the sun for two months at a stretch that takes a toll."
Food / Accessibility In Grand Rapids
If you plan to get a late-night bite, you are EXTREMELY limited with options.
"Aside from fast food and a couple bars, everything closes at 10pm-12am"
I agree with this Reddit user! Let's get this campaign going!
"Make grand rapids 24 hours again!"
Grand Rapids Is Cliquey!
Do you agree with this user?
"It can be cliquish. It's difficult to make friends because a lot of people seem to only gaf if their grandparents knew your grandparents. People are friendly, just not outgoing."
Grand Rapids Vs Grand Rapids
According to this Reddit User, we love talking mess about our city.
"Grand Rapidians' favorite thing to do is shit on Grand Rapids so I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses, but it's the self-loathing itself that drives me nuts. I love this place."
8 landmarks Anyone In Grand Rapids Would Recognize
Gallery Credit: Big Joe Pesh