Very rare gold coins were mysteriously dropped in Salvation Army red kettles in Michigan and Indiana recently.  It's very common this time of year to see volunteers ringing bells while standing in the cold beside a red kettle and a Salvation Army sign.  It's not very common, however, for one of those volunteers to receive a rare gold coin.  Last week a $50 gold coin that is now valued at least $2,000 was donated in Indianapolis according to Fox 59,

The $50 Gold American Eagle Coin was discovered last week in a kettle that was outside the Plainfield Walmart on East Main Street. It was mixed in among other bills and coins that had been donated throughout the day.

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Then, a few days later a rare gold coin was donated in Detroit.  Last Sunday a South African Gold Krugerrand coin was found among the Metro Detroit Salvation Army donations.  This isn't your everyday gold coin according to JM Bullion,

No gold bullion coin in the world has a richer history than the South African Gold Krugerrand. While gold investment-grade coins are now, seemingly, a dime-a-dozen for buyers, there was a time when the Gold Krugerrand was the only choice when buying gold coins for private investment.

The gold coin donated in Detroit is worth an estimated $2,031.  The money raised by the Detroit Salvation Army is intended to help feed and clothe people in need.  The money raised by the Indianapolis Salvation Army will support programs and ministries at the Eagle Creek Corps.

The Most Popular Christmas Song in Each State

Tis the season for Christmas music and every state has its favorite song.

Gallery Credit: Lori Crofford