Why Are The Crickets In Michigan So Loud Lately?
Crickets are a part of summer and early fall in Michigan. When I'm sitting near a pond or in the woods around a fire the sounds are calming and relaxing.

But If it sounds like the crickets are getting louder than usual as summer winds down don't worry your hearing is just fine.
Turns out there's a reason why the noise crickets make gets louder at this time of year.
How Do Crickets Make Noise?
Crickets produce their characteristic chirping sound through a process called stridulation, where special body parts are rubbed together to create a noise.
Only male crickets can make these chirping sounds, and they do so by either rubbing their long hind legs on their wings or simply rubbing their wings together.
Why Do Crickets Chirp?
The purpose of the chirping sound is primarily for communication between male and female crickets. Male crickets use their chirps to attract the attention of female crickets.
Female crickets, on the other hand, do not produce sounds but will walk or fly to singing males, following a behavioral pattern called "phonotaxis" (movement toward a sound)
In addition to attracting mates, crickets may also produce sounds to ward off enemies as an "alarm" sound.
Why Are The Crickets In Michigan So Loud Lately?
Male crickets chirp to find a mate and carry out their life cycle. They call a female over and when she arrives they lay their eggs.
The louder and more intense the male crickets chirp, the more attractive the females will find them.
There’s a call for attracting females from far away, one for close-up females, and there’s even an after-mating song.
So next time you get mad at the sound of a loud cricket give the guy a break, he's just trying to find a nice lady and start a family.
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