GRPD & MSP Utilizing Helicopter Support This Weekend Around City
If you happen to see or hear a helicopter flying around your house this weekend, or see extra police vehicles driving around, take solace in knowing it’s part of the Grand Rapids Police Department’s Operation: Safe Neighborhoods.
Starting Friday night throughout the weekend GRPD has deployed extra police personnel to address all kinds of issues from reckless driving to shootings in all three wards of the city, which all saw an increase in crime. Last year, in response to what GRPD called an “unprecedented level of violent crime” started Operation: Safe Neighborhood.
“We are dedicated to our new mission statement – to work to make everyone feel safe and be safe at all times,” stated Captain Terry Dixon, Commander of the East Service Area.
This weekend besides just having extra personnel helping on the streets, Grand Rapids Police will also utilize support from the Michigan State Police Aviation Unit, aka their helicopter.
From the GRPD announcement on Facebook,
Deployments of Operation: Safe Neighborhoods resulted in numerous arrests, recovered weapons, and seized narcotics in 2020. This targeted and strategic approach to addressing violent crime, while engaging with stakeholders, is a cornerstone of Chief Payne’s Strategic Plan. To read more about the department’s plan, visit the GRPD website at https://www.grandrapidsmi.gov/.../Police.../Strategic-Plan.
So if you hear or see the helicopter circling your neighborhood, at least you know you’re safe, or soon will be?
And now you know what’s happening.