Fountain Street Church Always an Important Venue at ArtPrize [Photos]
With 1,550 entries at over 160 venues, it's nearly impossible to see everything at ArtPrize Seven.
We'll help you discover more of the artists and entries at ArtPrize with a closer look at venues throughout the event.
Take a look inside Fountain Street Church at ArtPrize Seven.
Fountain Street Church has a history of success at ArtPrize. They've been a venue each year. Last year, the venue saw 29,000 visitors and was a finalist for Best Venue.
The church has always had a focus on bringing in artists who have an important message to share. This year the theme is "Art to Change the World: Inspiring Social Justice.”
A look through the photo gallery will give you a feel of what to expect, but taking a slow walk through while reading the artists' statements and absorbing their message is the best way to experience the work at Fountain Street Church.
Fountain Street Church is a must-visit venue at ArtPrize Seven.