Flint’s Terry Crews Celebrates Birthday With A Star On The Hollywood Walk of Fame
Terry Crews celebrated his 53rd birthday being honored with his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Terry Crews has come a long way since graduating from Flint Southwestern, including his latest accomplishment. Crews was awarded the 2,699th star on the infamous Hollywood Walk of Fame. The ceremony also happened to take place on Crews' birthday! In Crews acceptance speech, it only takes a few seconds to see why he has become the star that he is today.

Crews tweeted the message above thanking his fans, and promising that the best is yet to come.
In case you've been living under a rock over the last decade, let's take a look at just the things that Crews is currently involved in. He is wrapping up the last season of Brooklyn Nine Nine, he also hosts America's Got Talent. One successful show is a great accomplishment, but Crews is on two hugely popular shows at the same time!
Terry Crews is a real life renaissance man. I know that sounds a little over the top, but there's one little known fact about Crews that proves my point. Not many people realize that Crews received an art scholarship to college before he received any athletic scholarship. Crews obviously went on to play college football at Western Michigan, and eventually on to the NFL.
Many people know Terry for his bouncing pecks, but the man has built a insanely successful career from his artistic ability.
My favorite thing about Crews is that no matter how famous he becomes, because this is definitely not the peak for him, he always remembers Flint. Crews is one of the many celebrities to come out of Flint that has shown a strong commitment to helping the city that raised him.
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