First Post-Shutdown Concert At Deltaplex To Require Vaccination Proof or Negative Covid Test
If you're heading to the first post-shutdown concert at the Deltaplex you'll need to show your proof of being fully vaccinated or have a negative Covid-19 test before you're allowed to enter.

Live Nation, the promoter for AJR, an Indie-Pop band set to play the venue on September 8th, has announced that members of the audience will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the event OR provide proof of full vaccination for entry.
The promoter had previously announced that this requirement will be in place for all of their shows starting October 4th:
Vaccines are going to be your ticket back to shows, and as of October 4th we will be following the model we developed for Lollapalooza and requiring this for artists, fans and employees at Live Nation venues and festivals everywhere possible in the US. -Live Nation president and CEO Michael Rapino on August 14th
Currently, promoter AEG also has a similar policy set to take effect on October 1st:
We have come to the conclusion that, as a market leader, it was up to us to take a real stand on vaccination status...The Delta variant, combined with vaccine hesitancy, is pushing us in the wrong direction again. We realize that some people might look at this as a dramatic step, but it’s the right one...I'm confident and hopeful that, at the end of the day, we will be on the right side of history and doing what’s best for artists, fans, and live event workers. -Jay Marciano, COO of AEG and Chairman and CEO, AEG Presents on August 12th
Click here for free vaccination and testing resources for West Michigan residents. Please click here for COVID-19 testing or here for info on the COVID-19 vaccine.
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