Does Anyone Shoot on Film Anymore?
Ahh, the good old days of shooting your family pictures on film. You could hardly wait to get the prints back to see what you had. Now, of course, most of us just look at our pictures on our phone. That certainly makes it easy, but the "romance" of the print, the boxes we have now of our past is disappearing. Mine haven't because we have boxes, and drawers full of family memories. At any rate, I was wondering if anyone still shoots on film.
Actually, yes, sort of. According to an article on, in the last three years, companies like Kodak, Fujifilm and Harman Technology, which manufactures the popular Ilford Photo black-and-white films, have been experiencing a comeback. But, that's the pros. What about us amateurs?
I was checking out the GR Retro website, and found that the problem for us amateurs is processing. In 2014, there were actually still a couple places in town doing 1 hour film developing! Moto Photo at Knapp's Corner and Walgreens at Knapp and Fuller. The next year both places dropped the 1 hour for the same reasons as everywhere else. Limited demand but most of all, no service was available for the developing equipment anymore.
Now, in town, Mark's Photo on Division and 32nd is the only place that I know of they've been there since 1944.
So, yes, you can still shoot on film, but, for us amateurs, let's stick with the digital stuff. It's much simpler.