David Lynch Announces He Will Not Direct Showtime’s ‘Twin Peaks’ Revival
David Lynch announced today that he and Showtime were not able to come to an agreement after over a year of negotiations on the "Twin Peaks" revival.
Showtime may still continue with "Twin Peaks", but David Lynch says he will not be directing.
The series of "Twin Peaks" was filled with drama and surprises. It seems fitting that the road to the revival of the series follows the same path.
Last October, Showtime confirmed the return of "Twin Peaks". Actors from the original series have been tied to the revival, including Kyle MacLachlan as Agent Dale Cooper.
Today, David Lynch, the creator of "Twin Peaks", announced that he will not be coming back as director. Lynch made the announcement over a series of tweets on Sunday night.
After Lynch's tweets, Showtime quickly released a statement saying that they are still working towards an agreement. WSJ.com reports Showtime's statement:
We were saddened to read David Lynch’s statement today since we believed we were working towards solutions with David and his reps on the few remaining deal points. Showtime also loves the world of Twin Peaks and we continue to hold out hope that we can bring it back in all its glory with both of its extraordinary creators, David Lynch and Mark Frost, at its helm.
Madchen Amick, one of the stars of the original "Twin Peaks", encouraged fans to make their voices heard.
What will come of any future negotiations remains to be seen, but Lynch's announcement that he has reached out to actors to tell them that he will not be directing could create further pressure on Showtime.
The stumbling blocks along the way should come as no surprise. Lynch has had issues giving up control of his projects for television in the past.
Lynch was not happy with the way the series "Twin Peaks" finished due to network pressure. Mulholland Drive (2001) was originally a TV pilot for ABC, it was rejected, then later became a movie for which Lynch was nominated for an Oscar for Best Director.
Last month, Lynch discussed the topic of creative freedom with Australian Broadcasting Corporation's RN saying, "Why would somebody do something or make something, if they couldn't make it the way they want to make it? It's absurd."
Creative control in the hands of the right people can be a beautiful thing. David Lynch is one of those people.
Every "Twin Peaks" fan knows the owls are not what they seem. Hopefully, the tweets aren't what they seem either and there is still a chance for a David Lynch-directed "Twin Peaks" revival on Showtime.
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