COVID-19 Has Killed More Americans Than Influenza During 2018-19 Flu Season
In less than 2 months, COVID-19 has killed more people than influenza during the 2018-19 flu season.
A common misconception people make is that the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, is no worse than the flu. This has been disproven in less than 2 months as deaths across the country have soared to over 40,000 since the first death was reported on February 29th.
The typical flu season is from October to May but lasts year round, and will kill anywhere from 20,000 to over 60,000 Americans. According to the CDC's estimate of the 2018-19 flu season, deaths totaled 34,157.
The worst flu season that the United States has seen in the last decade was the 2017-18 season where an estimated 61,099 people died from influenza. If the current death toll from COVID-19 stays above 1,000 people per day, we are set to surpass 61,099 deaths in less than 10 days from when this article was written.

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