With the COVID-19 pandemic keeping most of us in a near self-quarantine, life has been a bit lonely without socializing, sporting events, concerts, etc. What can we do?

There are still concerts, but not in person. They're virtual and we just watch them on our smart TV's and computers. For the Grand Rapids arts, the Grand Symphony has created virtual concerts amazingly well, and incorporated the Grand Rapids Ballet in some. St. Cecilia Music Center is presenting virtual concerts from their Jazz and Folk Series. So, even though we can't go out to concerts yet, we can bring them into our own homes.

And then, there is the Phoenix Chamber Choir who decided to do a super creative Zoom/virtual concert. They took Billy Joel's The Longest Time, changed the lyrics, and posted an amazing concert on You Tube that has over 2-million views so far. With each singer in their own home, the coordination is amazing. This is really cool!



How fun! Hope you enjoyed!


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