American Girl is making dolls to honor COVID-19 heroes. American Girl asked their kid fans to nominate people for their “Heroes with Heart” contest. They wanted to find people in their lives who have made a difference. Of course, they were jammed with nominations, but they could only pick five winners. The five winners are workers who have risked their lives during COVID-19.

The dolls are: April, a paramedic; Laurent, a pilot; Sarah, a healthcare worker; Xavier, a grocery store worker; and Pam, a teacher. They are real people, and now will have an American Girl Doll named for them.

The website Mental Floss wrote:

Among the winning Heroes with Heart honorees, Laurent is a Spirit Airlines pilot who volunteered to fly American doctors to Haiti.

Sarah, another contest winner, served as caregiver and fed homeless people in her community during the pandemic.

The American Girl folks said they had an amazing response with more than 1,000 nominations of really moving stories. It certainly wasn't an easy task to net that number down to five.

Each nominator received a custom-made American Girl doll designed to look like their hero and a $200 American Girl gift card. The Heroes with Heart dolls are one of kind, but anyone can purchase a limited-edition scrubs outfit for their American Girl doll to dress them up like a frontline hero. American Girl will donate a doll craft activity book to First Responders Children’s Foundation for every scrubs outfit sold.

MORE: 5 Things I Never Thought I'd Hear Or Say Before COVID-19


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