Ada Farmers’ Market to Open Soon
Spring and Summer says many things to people, and one of the key things it does say if Farmers' Markets.
They're open and hosting thousands of shoppers looking for farm fresh produce, art, and so much more.
The Ada Farmers’ Market is opening this year on Tuesday, June 19 and continues every Tuesday afternoon beginning at noon.
One of the best thing about the market is from noon until 4 pm, until school resumes, they have a “Kids in the Market” program with a variety of kids’ activities including making newspaper pots, sidewalk chalk art, a scavenger hunt, bee hive observation, veggie toss, face painting, etc.
This year they also are bringing in “experts” to do origami, balloon art and “Yoga in the Market” for moms and kids. These activities need hands on guidance and observation.
So, the market is looking for high school students to fill the role as volunteers. If you, your kids, might be interested, please contact Bob Kullgren at 897-4550.
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