Forget the Cookies: 7 Pure Michigan Things to Leave Out for Santa
This Christmas, like every year, kids all over the world will leave out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa Claus before they go to bed.
While we have no doubt the jolly old elf loves him some cookies - we thought we'd mix it up a bit and instead offer up some ideas to give Santa a delicious taste of Pure Michigan this Christmas.
Here are seven things Michiganders can leave out for Santa instead of cookies to keep the old guy fat and happy, and ready to come back for more next year.
Flint-Style Coney Dogs
Sorry, Detroit - when it comes to coneys, Flint's got it going on.
Santa's sure to smile when he sees a couple Flint-style coney dogs waiting for him at your house. Take the time to make sure they're authentic Koegel's with sauce from Angelo's - and you'll probably be his favorite.
Better Made Potato Chips
Perfectly salty, perfectly crunchy. Better Made Potato Chips will make for a great late-night snack for Santa. (Just be aware that crunch could wake the kids.)
We thought about leaving Santa a 2-liter of Faygo Redpop to take with him, but figured after a long night of delivering presents to a bajillion kids he could use the fizzy eye-opening pick-me-up from a 6-pack of Vernors.
Zehnder's Fried Chicken
This one might be a little bit of a problem. The fried chicken from Zehnder's of Frankenmuth is so delectable, Santa may decide just to stay in Michigan and blow off the rest of the night's run. Oh well - more presents for us!
Mackinac Island Fudge
So, it's pretty well-known that Santa Claus has one heck of a sweet tooth. Otherwise, the milk-and-cookies tradition would have died out decades ago. What if we left him a big ol' hunk of Mackinac Island fudge? That's sure to keep us on the "nice" list.
Last time Santa had a good paczki was 10 hours ago when he was in Poland! Let's show him Michigan knows a thing or two about paczkis too! (Added bonus: if he accidentally drops a little raspberry filling on his suit - no worries - it matches.)
Olive Burger
Not many foods are more Pure Michigan than the olive burger. Santa's sure to be pleased. Just don't try to be cute and make one out of venison. You might wind up with a lump of coal.
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