
Christmas Shopping?  Remember What We Used To Shop For?
Christmas Shopping? Remember What We Used To Shop For?
Christmas Shopping? Remember What We Used To Shop For?
Christmas is almost here and you're making last-minute shopping runs to find just the right gift.  For the kids, you're hoping that they're not out of the special toy/electronic gadget they want.  And, this year, electronic seems to be the operative word.  Younger and younger children are asking for the latest and greatest, whiz-bang, electronic "thing" whether it be the iTouch, Leap Fro
10 Holiday Gifts Parents HATE When You Give Their Kids
10 Holiday Gifts Parents HATE When You Give Their Kids
10 Holiday Gifts Parents HATE When You Give Their Kids
Family Christmas just this past weekend. My uncle was explaining that his adult kids were attending a Christmas party at one of their friend's homes, who has a 2 year old. "I gave her the best present," he boasted. Something he referred to as "big popper" and sounded like every mother's worst nightmare, but made the little girl crazy with glee. So what are the presents parents
The Doll That Gives Birth?
The Doll That Gives Birth?
The Doll That Gives Birth?
At 6, all I wanted for Christmas was a "Baby Wanna Walk". I dreamed about her little pink overalls, that curly blonde hair, and of course, her amazing ability to walk! I mean, wow, right? Well, what if your little one, or grand little one, requested this doll for Christmas? Right up there in controversy with the doll that actually relieves itself, it's the doll that gives birth (and yes,