Heather Locklear and Demi Moore have been in the news recently.  Hospitalized for a number of fictitious reasons but the vouyeristic public can see some of the real reasons bubbling to the surface.  All one has to do is look at Demi Moore's gaunt appearance to know she is fighting some sort of eating disorder.  On top of that pile on the reports of substance abuse and the picture becomes clearer.

After I lost 120 pounds I remember someone here at the radio station saying to me "You're never going to go back to the way you look again, are you?"   I said, I don't know.  I'd like to say no but I really don't know.  I know the battle.  Honestly, I thought I was no less attractive when I was 120 pounds more.  The rest of the world would disagree, but me, I see more than the outer. 

Can you really blame Heather or Demi for feeling the way they do do?  They live in a city and have worked in a profession that focuses primarily on the way a woman looks.  Our society values young, unlike other societies around the world.  So I imagine when you age, and looks have always been your main draw, you feel devalued and worth less.

It's a very deep subject and I have lots of thoughts and opinions on it!  I think you have to love yourself for something more than the way you look.  Never mind what other people think about you, all that should really matter is what you think about yourself.  There's a song I play on my Faith Hope and Love Songs Show Sunday mornings 9-11am and Sunday evenings 7-9pm EST.  It's called More Beautiful You and it's by Jonny Diaz.  My wish is that every young girl and woman will continue to push the repeat button and listen to this song over and over and again until it gets so deep into her spirit that the concept becomes unshakeable by public opinion.  It really doesn't matter, all you can be is the best YOU!  Like Oprah says you do the best that you can do and when you know better you do better.  Enjoy this video daily:-)

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