Legos announced that they were celebrating International Women’s Day with a special offer for all parents who have daughters. They will "Lego Them!"  Well, kinda sorta.

This is really cool because the LEGO Group is calling on families to help celebrate the skills, interests and creative potential of the next generation of female leaders by recreating its iconic 1981 LEGO® advert.

The website Brothers Brick wrote about the  new campaign that allows parents to load a digital photo of their child holding their proudest Lego build and transform it into an ad-like poster.

Parents can simply visit, answer a few questions about their child’s creative process, upload an image, and they’ll get a unique poster emailed back to them.

Parents can then share that poster with the #LEGOFutureBuilders on social media if they want.

Julia Goldin, Global Chief Product and Marketing Officer at the LEGO Group said: “At the LEGO Group, we believe children are our role models. We look to them for inspiration every day and want to help them break down gender stereotypes and create opportunities for everyone. Celebrating people helps empower people, and through this campaign we, along with the help of parents and caregivers, want to celebrate the skills and creative potential of today’s young women – the next generation of amazing female leaders!”

You go ladies!


KEEP READING: Check out these totally awesome '80s toys



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