Meet the Most Angry and Sad University of Michigan Fans
In college football fandom, it might be difficult to find a more reviled fan base than the one that cheers on the Michigan Wolverines.
The Angry Wolverine Fan
What is it about U of M fans that brings out their worst traits? A short video started making the rounds after the Wolverines defeated the Colorado Buffalos in 2016 showing a U of M fan proudly sticking two middle fingers in the air at, um we're not sure who. But it doesn't matter when you wear the blue and gold.
What is he even angry at? His team won. But as the caption to the clip says, "Michigan fan being Michigan fan."
It's not just the flipping off, though. It's the style of the flip-off. The fingers aren't pointed straight in the air, they're turned inward toward each other and crooked. And then there's the dismissive wave after as if whatever Michigan Fan is angry at isn't even worth the effort to extend the middle fingers, yet he did. There's something about all of it that's just so Michigan.
This is not the first time Wolverine fans have expressed displeasure in a similar fashion. One doesn't need to be an expert lip reader to figure this fan out.
The Sad Wolverine Fan
To be fair, anger isn't the only emotion of which Michigan Fan is capable. They can also express sadness and disbelief, most famously after a soul-crushing last-second loss during the 2015 campaign to Michigan State on a muffed punt. You remember, of course, the "trouble with the snap" play.
The Wal-Mart Wolverines
The lowly Wolverine fans were even the subject of this Pure Michigan parody, picking on, in particular, that breed of fan known as the Wal-Mart Wolverine.
Caution, there is some NSFW language ahead.
So if you must, Go Blue, I guess.
More Goofy Sports Moments
If these videos from Wolverine Fan leave you wondering just what in the Wide Wide World of Sports is going on here, check out these fabulous sports goofs.