Warmer, Drier Than Usual Winter Predicted for Michigan 2018-2019
This winter is expected to be warmer and drier than average across Michigan.
Whether that's good or bad news is up for considerable debate.
Skiers and winter sports lovers aren't loving this news, but those with long commutes could be looking at a slightly less stressful winter of driving in Michigan.
Michigan averages 76 inches of snow each winter. December is the snowiest month at an average of 22 inches with January right behind at an average 21 inches. But averages are pretty average at predicting total snowfall. One epic, days-long, school-closing, snow shovel-breaking snowstorm and your average can be broken more easily than a melting snowman.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued their winter outlook which is tied to their current El Niño predictions. The NOAA says, "The odds of El Niño emerging in the tropical Pacific by fall have dropped slightly to 60 percent, from 65 percent, but remain at 70 percent by winter."
For West Michigan, El Niño generally brings less snow and warmer temperatures in Michigan. In fact, some of the least snowy winters recorded in West Michigan have come during El Niño years.
Michigan is one of the only parts of the country expected to see a drier winter than normal.
The area of the country expected to see warmer temperatures this winter is much larger than the area expecting dry conditions.
And here's a closer look at how El Niño can effect weather across the entire country.
What type of winter do you think Michigan will get in 2018-2019?