The bean counters at Nielsen / Soundscan say 2010 album sales were down 13% from 2009.  That is 48 million fewer record sales.  Blame the decline on any number of things...economy, digital downloads, etc.  If you ask me, its lousy bands, sound-alike carbon-copy singers.  I can't remember the last new record I purchased.   Sure, I buy to replacement yesterday's worn-out favorites...but new music?   At the risk of sounding like the jaded music fan I've turned out to be, today's bands -- in general -- can't sing and can't play.   I'm reminded of a recent article on classic rock bands that the author said would serve as a starting place for great music.   How does that article stack up with your "must have" records.  For me, I'm a big Deep Purple guy.  Their 1972 album "Machine Head" is my all-time favority.  Great songs, great musical talent.     For great songwriting,  "Get The Knack" is by far my fav.  Every song is a guy's take on relationships and each works.

What are yours?


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