Warming Centers Opening For Snowy, Cold Weekend In Grand RapidsWarming Centers Opening For Snowy, Cold Weekend In Grand RapidsAs we get some of the snowiest and coldest weather this winter, a number of area warming centers are open and ready to help those in need. Rob SparksRob Sparks
You’ll Tell Your Kids About The January 2019 Winter Storm – Let’s Give It A Name!You’ll Tell Your Kids About The January 2019 Winter Storm – Let’s Give It A Name!Heavy snow and areas of Lake effect snow were followed by some insanely cold temperatures and extreme wind chills that we hadn't seen in decades.Brandon JamesBrandon JamesWendy ReedWendy ReedEric MeierEric MeierMark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
The Cool School Principal Award Goes to Kenowa HillsThe Cool School Principal Award Goes to Kenowa HillsThe Cool School Principal Award Goes to Kenowa Hills High SchoolAndy RentAndy Rent