Ope! Experts Say Michiganders Don’t Apologize EnoughOpe! Experts Say Michiganders Don’t Apologize EnoughOdds are if you live in Michigan, you're not great at saying you're sorry.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
Venomous Giant Flying Spiders From Japan Could End Up in MichiganVenomous Giant Flying Spiders From Japan Could End Up in MichiganThey've been spotted in the US, here's when you can expect them to arrive in Michigan...Laura HardyLaura Hardy
News Anchor Has No Idea Reporter Is Going To Propose On Live TVNews Anchor Has No Idea Reporter Is Going To Propose On Live TVA news anchor in Chattanooga, Tennessee got a surprise live on air when her she suddenly found herself reading a news report about her own proposal. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Man has a ‘My Name Is Earl’ Moment With $1 Million Lotto TicketMan has a ‘My Name Is Earl’ Moment With $1 Million Lotto TicketMost people just hope for the luck to win a jackpot when playing the lotto, not to also find that winning ticket again.Rob SparksRob Sparks
Bullying Story With a Happy EndingBullying Story With a Happy EndingBullying Story With a Happy EndingAndy RentAndy Rent
14 Secretly Cruel Soft Rock Love Songs14 Secretly Cruel Soft Rock Love SongsDon't be fooled by these songs. They sting.Mara KugeMara Kuge
Six Earthquakes 2.5 – 4.4 in Last Week in Midwest, SouthSix Earthquakes 2.5 – 4.4 in Last Week in Midwest, SouthWhat does it mean for Michigan?Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse