
NEW Teen Driving Laws In Effect Today
NEW Teen Driving Laws In Effect Today
NEW Teen Driving Laws In Effect Today
Today's the day!  Those changes for Michigan teen drivers with an intermediate license take effect today.  This new program passed into law gradually increases privileges as drivers advance through the system and ends when they turn 18...
Sexting? Did You Think Consequences When You Were 14 Years Old?
Sexting? Did You Think Consequences When You Were 14 Years Old?
Sexting? Did You Think Consequences When You Were 14 Years Old?
I can give you a definitive, "no".  Of course, when I was 14 years old there was no such thing as "sexting."  My big thing was getting my own telephone in my room, and that was bad enough.  And for you old farts, here is the definition of  "sexting"...