The tickets may be selling fast, and out for many of the Meijer Gardens Summer Concert Series this year, but wait, there's more. How about some FREE concerts this summer?
What better way to celebrate music than to see some of your favorite artists for only $20?!
Rarely these days do you get to go to a concert for only $20 so take advantage of LiveNation's "Kickoff to Summer" promotion. Beginning May 2nd, LiveNation will offer one-million tickets to some of the biggest concerts this summer...
Circle Theatre, known for their wonderful plays and musicals during the spring and summer season, produces an annual concert series that features many of the area’s best vocalists and musicians. Live music in an intimate setting gives all audience members an up-close and personal experience unique only to Circle Theatre.
So much many little time!
Ahh, summer! The Fifth-Third Bank Meijer Garden's Summer Concert series is ready to go, and what a line-up. It all begins on Sunday, June 1 with Carlos Santana! Some old favorites and many new favorites will be at the beautiful Meijer Garden's this summer. Are you ready? Heeeeeeerrr they are!
Even if you didn't, or weren't able to, buy the tickets you wanted for the Meijer Gardens Summer Concert Series, the 2013 Tuesday Evening Music Club is your answer to enjoying the beautiful Meijer Gardens, and a terrific concert.
Are you feeling bored? It's a long summer and there's nothing fun to do? Is that your trouble?
Here some fun for you. It's the Tuesday Evening Music Club at the Meijer Gardens. Tonight, and most every Tuesday night, you get to enjoy the talent of local musicians, beautiful summer weather and the ambiance of Meijer Gardens’ sculpture and gardens.