May is Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. As warmer weather approaches, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) addresses common misconceptions about tanning.
Looking forward to getting a summer tan? Aren't we all, but, be careful, and remember to take precautions first.
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, the most common kind of cancer in the United States.
The month of May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. And, Melanoma cases are growing at an alarming rate. We all should be aware of the dangers of too much sun without protection.
Happy Memorial Day!
Hopefully it's a pretty good weather day. But, it's going to be HOT and HUMID! Be careful, hydrate a lot, and, use plenty of sunscreen!
“Indoor tanning is out,” says the Canadian Dermatology Association, who’ve placed tanning beds squarely in their crosshairs with a new web PSA that shows young women singing their skin with a clothes iron, toaster and waffle iron. Ouch. The CDA hopes these exaggerated examples of frying one’s skin hammers home the dangers of tanning. According to their website:
Dr. Jack Dekkinga of the Skin Revitalizing Center was on the Morning Show with Andy Rent this morning, Chuck was away.
We talked about the importance of applying sun screen when outdoors. He says a 30 spf or better is a must.
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and he mentioned free screenings that Spectum Health is offering...