
The Sitcom Formula–Chubby Husbands and Skinny Wives are Happier Couples
The Sitcom Formula–Chubby Husbands and Skinny Wives are Happier Couples
The Sitcom Formula–Chubby Husbands and Skinny Wives are Happier Couples
What is the formula for a long and prosperous marriage? Sitcom marriages frequently feature beautiful women who marry the chubby guy. And that pairing seems to be the secret, according to a recent study. The study found that couples where the woman has a lower BMI than her man are more satisfied than if the situation is reversed.
This Is All Your Fault, You.
This Is All Your Fault, You.
This Is All Your Fault, You.
Forgive and forget, the old saying goes. But a new University of Tennessee study suggests that’s not always a great idea. Why? Spouses who are forgiven for negative behaviors are more likely to keep repeating them. In fact, the research finds that spouses who forgive their partners are almost twice as likely to report a repeated incident the following day as those who hold a grudge... Read Mo
What Are Some Of The Secrets To Lasting Love?
What Are Some Of The Secrets To Lasting Love?
What Are Some Of The Secrets To Lasting Love?
Maybe it's something you understand as you grow older but in youth, as it probably should be, physical attraction is the most important characteristic.  Follow that up with feelings of excitement, thrills and reckless abandon and that all leads to the species procreating...