
Bears Are Showing Up All Over Lately And This One Can Open Doors
Bears Are Showing Up All Over Lately And This One Can Open Doors
Bears Are Showing Up All Over Lately And This One Can Open Doors
Thursday morning when I heard about the bear on the west side of Grand Rapids, I was mildly concerned, because I live around that area, and until that moment, I was really only worried about skunks. I say mildly worried, because I thought, “Oh, I might come across one around my trash cans, better be aware...
10 Things Eastsiders Should Know Before Moving to West Michigan
10 Things Eastsiders Should Know Before Moving to West Michigan
10 Things Eastsiders Should Know Before Moving to West Michigan
Are you from the east side of the state and planning on moving to West Michigan? Or maybe you know someone who's going to make the move? I'm from the metro-Detroit area, and have lived there for most of my life, but I've been living in West Michigan for over 4 years now and just cuz we're all from the same state doesn't mean there aren't differences...
'Don't Veer for Deer'
'Don't Veer for Deer'
'Don't Veer for Deer'
With the start of bow hunting season Wednesday, deer are on the move here in West Michigan. October and November are the riskiest months for deer-related vehicle accidents in Michigan. Because of this, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and other organizations are coming up with new ways to bring the number of deer-related accidents down. The Traffic Safety Coalition is trying to increas

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