
It’s Totally Illegal to Take Photos on Railroad Tracks in Michigan
It’s Totally Illegal to Take Photos on Railroad Tracks in Michigan
It’s Totally Illegal to Take Photos on Railroad Tracks in Michigan
We’ve all seen pictures of the pensive high school senior sitting on train tracks pondering the future of his or her life.  Because, seriously, that’s what 17 and 18-year-olds do, hang out on train tracks looking for the future. For some reason, this location is very popular for senior, family and wedding photos; didn’t we learn how dangerous train tracks could be when Buddy AND Buddy Jr lost thei
In El Salvador you can be Shot for Drunk Driving
In El Salvador you can be Shot for Drunk Driving
In El Salvador you can be Shot for Drunk Driving
Weird laws about drinking are a worldwide phenomenon, with international alcohol laws sometimes pretty far out there. Here in America, we have some truly strange regulations on the books as well. But, my favorite is El Salvador where there is actually a law on the books that says you can face a firing squad if charged with a DUI. Say what?
States Scramble to Ban New Drugs Being Sold as Bath Salts
States Scramble to Ban New Drugs Being Sold as Bath Salts
States Scramble to Ban New Drugs Being Sold as Bath Salts
If the bathtub seems to be fastened to the ceiling or rubber ducky starts demanding an allowance, I think we might know what the problem is. Intended to be snorted rather than bathed in, paranoia-inducing chemicals are being sold as bath salts to skirt drug laws...