15 Cringiest Movie Acting Performances of 2024 Revealed15 Cringiest Movie Acting Performances of 2024 RevealedWhether truly bad or so bad they were good, these onscreen performances flopped and failed to resonate with audiences either way. Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
Joaquin Phoenix’s Singing Made Lady Gaga ‘Spit Up’ Her CoffeeJoaquin Phoenix’s Singing Made Lady Gaga ‘Spit Up’ Her CoffeeShe was gagged.Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
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No, the ‘Beau Is Afraid’ Kid Isn’t CGI — He’s Real and His Name Is Armen NahapetianNo, the ‘Beau Is Afraid’ Kid Isn’t CGI — He’s Real and His Name Is Armen NahapetianFlesh and blood!Ryan ReichardRyan Reichard