Essential Grocery Item Expected to Skyrocket in Price in MichiganEssential Grocery Item Expected to Skyrocket in Price in MichiganPrices of this grocery essential are expected to increase in 2025.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Controversial Change Could Be Coming to Michigan Costco StoresControversial Change Could Be Coming to Michigan Costco StoresRumor has it a new change is coming to Costco food courts in Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
FDA Begins Screening Michigan Milk, Cheese Amid Bird Flu ConcernsFDA Begins Screening Michigan Milk, Cheese Amid Bird Flu ConcernsMichigan is among Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Costco Enforcing New Rule For Shoppers At All Michigan LocationsCostco Enforcing New Rule For Shoppers At All Michigan LocationsA new rule now being enforced at all Costco locations in Michigan might inconvenience shoppers. Jess PoxsonJess Poxson
5 Things Your Grocery Store Isn’t Telling You5 Things Your Grocery Store Isn’t Telling YouWith these "not-so-secrets" in mind you are now ready to navigate the aisles with confidence.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
What Is the 6 to 1 Grocery Shopping Hack and Why Are People Raving About It?What Is the 6 to 1 Grocery Shopping Hack and Why Are People Raving About It?The '6 to 1' grocery shopping method takes aim at skyrocketing food prices while maintaining a balanced diet (and allowing for the occasional indulgence).Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Rare Reversal: Is Self-Check Out Going Away In Michigan?Rare Reversal: Is Self-Check Out Going Away In Michigan?Is there anything more frustrating than self-checkout lines and scanning errors?Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Is it Illegal in Michigan to Eat Before Paying at the Grocery Store?Is it Illegal in Michigan to Eat Before Paying at the Grocery Store?Have you ever wondered if eating food at the grocery store before you pay for it is illegal?Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
What Are We Buying During Pandemic? Meijer Knows!What Are We Buying During Pandemic? Meijer Knows!What Are We Buying During Pandemic? Meijer Knows!Andy RentAndy Rent
Aunt Jemima Has a New Name & Look, But Still Tastes the Same So Calm DownAunt Jemima Has a New Name & Look, But Still Tastes the Same So Calm DownAunt Jemima's history dates back to slavery... until now.ChristineChristine
State Officials & Meijer Warn Michiganders Not to Panic BuyState Officials & Meijer Warn Michiganders Not to Panic BuyShoppers are encouraged to only plan for weekly increments. ChristineChristine