
How Should Michigan Fund Higher Education Debate at GVSU
How Should Michigan Fund Higher Education Debate at GVSU
How Should Michigan Fund Higher Education Debate at GVSU
How should Michigan fund higher education is a question being asked across the state. In fact, across the state and nation, there has hardly been a time when greater pressure has been put on our colleges and universities to fulfill a dizzying array of functions. The demands are many: Colleges must produce  job seekers with competitive degrees.
Do You Watch Political Debates? [Poll]
Do You Watch Political Debates? [Poll]
Do You Watch Political Debates? [Poll]
We've had one Presidential debate, with more to come.  The Vice Presidential debate Thursday, October 11. Polls often change following debates.  Mitt Romney showed gains after the first Presidential debate.  People are watching.  Are you one of them? Do you watch political debates?