Once-Popular Arts and Crafts Store to Close Several LocationsOnce-Popular Arts and Crafts Store to Close Several LocationsThe chain exited bankruptcy last year, but it looks like some stores might close. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Have You Heard of Michigan Fiber Festival? It’s Next Week!Have You Heard of Michigan Fiber Festival? It’s Next Week!Discover the wonders of natural fibers at Michigan Fiber Festival, featuring workshops, competitions, live music, animals, and more from August 8-14!JannaJanna
This Simple Snow Day Craft Can Bring Smiles To West Michigan Kids in NeedThis Simple Snow Day Craft Can Bring Smiles To West Michigan Kids in NeedAre the kids getting stir crazy? Here's a great craft idea that can keep them busy while providing a smile for a child in West Michigan.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
Things To Do in West Michigan This Weekend: January 27-29, 2023Things To Do in West Michigan This Weekend: January 27-29, 2023This weekend is brought to you by the letter "B"! We have Bulls, Bricks, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Bunnies, Brides, Blooms, Building, Beer, and Bands!Scott WintersScott Winters
Amazing Pottery Kits to Get Those Creative Juices FlowingAmazing Pottery Kits to Get Those Creative Juices FlowingOur hands are amazing things, and they can make the coolest stuff if you have the right tools. Crafting with clay and clay products is a fun and easy way to stay occupied and creative, and these are activities you can do with the whole family!Taylor CookTaylor Cook