It's Christmas for Comic Book Lovers: Free Comic Book Day 2022 is back on Saturday May 7th and here are some of the best places to celebrate around West Michigan.
Free Comic Book Day is a fun holiday, where you can get a FREE comic book! I love it when the name of a holiday makes it clear what happens. Seriously, what are you supposed to do during "Advent"? But on Free Comic Book Day, you go to a comic book store like Vault of Midnight, and you can get a free comic book!
Betty White saw the movie, Deadpool, that opened yesterday, and, thank goodness for the "bleep" machine.
Betty put this 'interesting' video review on Facebook, and called it the best picture of the year and gave it four "Golden Girls." Be ready for lots of 'bleeps.'
Here is a really fun, cute video with 'Bat Dad!' This happy father has a great time with his family. The kids love it. His wife? Ehhh, not so much. Still fun!