
Arctic Grip
Arctic Grip
Arctic Grip
The arctic blast is going to continue its grip on Grand Rapids and West Michigan through Wednesday, the National Weather Service’s Grand Rapids office said Monday afternoon. Snow and windy conditions are creating near-blizzard conditions and sub-zero temperatures with wind chills in the minus-20 degree range with a winter storm advisory across greater Grand Rapids and West Michigan. Highs are only
Powering Back Up
Powering Back Up
Powering Back Up
This will remembered as the Christmas without power for many. FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: As of 4:30 a.m. Friday, 52,000 Consumers Energy customers were without electricity. Since noon Saturday, the winter storm caused more than 377,000 outages across Michigan. Among the counties most affected by the outages still are Kent, with 313 customers without power; Barry, 6,754; Ionia, 1,909; Kalamazoo, 187; a
Power Restoration Continues
Power Restoration Continues
Power Restoration Continues
Despite some extra efforts, Christmas is a powerless holiday for many in greater Grand Rapids and across West Michigan because of snow, cold and the lingering effects of a weekend ice storm, officials said Tuesday. More than 152,000 electricity customers of Consumers Energy were without power headed into Tuesday evening.