The very talented and hilarious Anna Garcia went from Beverly Hills, Michigan to Beverly Hills, California in a huge Hollywood Production next to Channing Tatum and Scarlet Johansson.
If the Oscars are like the electoral college, selecting the cream of the crop through an arcane and confusing process available only to an older, white, male elite population, then that makes the People’s Choice Awards the popular vote...
Here’s something strange in the neighborhood: Deadline reports that Sony isn’t waiting for Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot (with its cast of comedy all-stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon) to debut before planning additional Ghostbuster sequels or spinoffs. They’re already getting to work on what the trade describes as a “guy-themed” offshoot with an all-male cast.
Disclaimer: My wife dared me to do this, and I always do as she says. Right guys?
Okay ladies, this ones for you. The official trailer for Magic Mike XXL has been released. You're welcome.
I have been following and posting videos of this amazing little boy, Titus, shooting hoops for the past several months. He's not yet 3-years of age and already he is amazing fans around the world.