How Far South Have Black Bears Been Spotted in Michigan?How Far South Have Black Bears Been Spotted in Michigan?The farther south you go, the fewer the sightings, but they do happen.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Is It Legal To Own A Bear As A Pet In Michigan?Is It Legal To Own A Bear As A Pet In Michigan?Learn about the challenges of owning bears as pets in Michigan and why these majestic creatures are best left in the wild.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Fatal Bear Attacks in Michigan: A Look at the NumbersFatal Bear Attacks in Michigan: A Look at the NumbersThe only species of bear found in Michigan is the black bear. Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
These 6 States Are Totally Cool With You Owning a Pet BearThese 6 States Are Totally Cool With You Owning a Pet BearNot only is owning a bear dangerous, but it is also expensive when you realize how much they eat. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
University of Michigan Likely to Play Football Rival on Tiny Soccer PitchUniversity of Michigan Likely to Play Football Rival on Tiny Soccer PitchNorthwestern University's home stadium, Ryan Field, is scheduled to be rebuilt during the 2024 and 2025 seasons when Michigan visits.Eric MeierEric Meier
Meet The Mama Bear Crowned 2023 Fat Bear Week ChampionMeet The Mama Bear Crowned 2023 Fat Bear Week ChampionMeet the mama bear who has been crowned the 2023 Fat Bear Week champion.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Three-Legged Bear Bursts Into House, Steals White Claw SeltzerThree-Legged Bear Bursts Into House, Steals White Claw SeltzerHe had two specific White Claw flavors that he enjoyed the most.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Sisterly Love! Polar Bear Twins Sweetly Reunited at Detroit ZooSisterly Love! Polar Bear Twins Sweetly Reunited at Detroit ZooAfter over 2 years apart, the twin polar bear cubs born at the Detroit Zoo have been reunited. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Michigan Bans Gummy Bears in Bait Piles for Bear HuntingMichigan Bans Gummy Bears in Bait Piles for Bear HuntingHunters who use this tactic are being called 'Low-Lifes!'MeatballMeatball
John Ball Zoo's Male Lion, Docha, Has DiedJohn Ball Zoo's Male Lion, Docha, Has DiedJohn Ball Zoo's Male Lion, Docha, Has DiedAndy RentAndy Rent
There Really is a Bear Ranch in MichiganThere Really is a Bear Ranch in MichiganThere Really is a Bear Ranch in MichiganAndy RentAndy Rent
Michigan DNR Using Doughnuts & Bacon to Bait BearsMichigan DNR Using Doughnuts & Bacon to Bait BearsRemember... it's for the bears, not you.ChristineChristine