Sunday’s Sunshine is Pretty Significant for West Michigan
Believe it or not, the sun we are seeing today is pretty significant since some towns within Michigan didn't see any significant sun ALL of January!
MLive published a story a couple of days back about the lack of sun in the mitten state. According to their story, Grand Rapids is the only Michigan city with a sun measuring device - probably because the lack of sun would be pretty depressing in some locations. But here are some stats from the MLive Story
Grand Rapids only had around 32 hours of sunshine in the month of January, MLive reports, that's not 32 hours in a row, that's 32 hours out of the 744 hours that were the month of January.
During January we didn't have any sunny days (with complete sun) and only 10 days with a little sun. That means the rest of the month was nothing but clouds and grey. And it means that we went plenty of days in a row usually 5 or 6 before we saw that "little" bit of sun.
So if you've decided to pull your favorite chair to the window, or you just want to be outside... it's completely understandable. Enjoy our sun break!
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