Most Americans don't think they weigh too much. Just 35-percent of those taking part in a new Rasmussen Reports poll believe they're overweight. Nearly 85-percent report that they monitor their food consumption "at least somewhat closely," with 38-percent admitting they keep track of their diet "very closely." Just 14-percent say they don't really pay much attention to what they eat, and only one-percent of those polled say they aren't watching their diet at all.


Meanwhile, 53-percent admit that at some point in their lives they've felt the need to shed a few pounds. Women are more likely than men to believe they are overweight and to have dieted in the past. Nearly 40-percent of the female respondents say they're currently carrying a few pounds too many, while just 31-percent of the men believe they're overweight. In addition, 61-percent of women have dieted in the past, compared to 44-percent of men who've previously taken steps to trim their waistline.


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