Some Stores Stayed Closed Thanksgiving Day; What a Concept
Did you make it out shopping on Thanksgiving Day, better known at Black Thursday?
You know, it's what Black Friday used to start in the morning on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Remember those good old days?
Then some stores bumped it to midnight -- and customers lined up.
Now, Black Friday was really yesterday, Thanksgiving Day, and many stores opened their doors before the dishes from Thanksgiving dinner were even washed. What about you? Did you fight your way through the crowds and snag some fabulous bargains?
The HuffingtonPost reports that for all of us 'tradionalists,' a tip of the hat to these stores who weren't tempting us and torturing their employees, by opening so early. They actually stayed closed all day on Thanksgiving. Some of the stores included:
Nice job, folks.
And then, of course, there’s Amazon: Open 24/7 -- and laughing at everyone.