Scaled Back Pulaski Days Will Still Feature Food, Music
The spirit of Pulaski Days will be here this weekend, even if we can't gather all of us together.
The first weekend in October has long meant polkas, kielbasa, kapusta and beer; and while we won't be crowding the halls around Grand Rapids this year, we can still enjoy the tastes and sounds of Pulaski Days, honoring the patriot and Revolutionary War hero Casimir Pulaski.
All of the Falcons and Polish Halls throughout the city will be serving take out Polish food, with all the favorites featured, like Golumbki (stuffed cabbage), Pierogis, Kielbasa and more. You can see the various hours take out will be available, as well see the menus here.
In addition, some Halls will be featuring some live music, with social distancing rules in effect. The Eastern Hall at 506 Eastern Ave NE will feature live bands Friday and Saturday, including Denny Middleton and The Hype and of course, Gary Szotko and GPS. See the music schedule for Eastern Hall here.
The Pulaski Days Committee has also started a 'Save The Halls' fundraiser. As you may know the Polish halls have long counted on the Pulaski weekend crowds to fund their upkeep, and with the virus affecting attendance, you can help by contributing at pulaskidays.org, or go direct to the fundraising page here.
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