Saugatuck’s Oval Beach is Loved by People Across America
I'm getting a big hankerin' for summer. Summer in Michigan is always the best. Spring and Fall as well, and Winter, well some of us just tolerate it. At any rate, I started nosing around YELP, the user review and recommendation website where anyone will weigh in on their experience at a restaurant, retail establishment, anything. So, I started poking around and found ratings and reviews about Oval Beach in Saugatuck. They were from people around the country, Indianapolis, Chicago, New York, and, this one from Hannah C. in San Francisco. She posted this picture and here is what she wrote:
"This is one of the best beaches I've ever been to - ocean or lake! The beach is super clean, sand is wonderful and the water temp in late July is perfect! During high season they do close off the parking lot when they're at capacity so I'd recommend getting there before noon to be safe. It's also a great spot to watch the sunset!"
That's very cool, and makes me very proud to live in a state that other people visit and enjoy. Thanks Hannah!