Public Museum Featuring New Exhibit by Museum School Students
How cool is this! The Grand Rapids Public Museum (GRPM) and Grand Rapids Public Museum School announced a new exhibit created by GRPS Museum School students, titled Revolution: The Story of America, and it will open tomorrow, May 23.
The exhibit is a combination of student work from the Grand Rapids Public Museum School’s 7th grade social studies classes and art classes.
Visitors will see various sections highlighting important women, African Americans, and Native Americans and their roles in the American Revolution. It also includes a flag replica display, in which the students researched flags from the American Revolution, drew replicas, and completed summaries about their flag and its role.
In art class, Museum School students “musees” researched military uniforms, sketched them out, and then wrote a letter from the perspective of a soldier during the Revolutionary War, using special ink.
The Museum has a partnership between the GRPM and GRPS. The Museum School allows students a deeper learning experience through place based learning and design thinking, while using the Museum’s Collections of more than 250,000 artifacts and specimens.
This new exhibit will be free with general admission and be on display for a short time, through June 8. Visitors can find Revolution: The Story of America on the Museum’s second floor.