Olive Garden’s Never Ending Pasta Pass is Back in Grand Rapids… & with a Surprise!
Never ending pasta? Excuse me while I unbutton my pants to make room.
Beginning Thursday, you can buy a "Pasta Pass" for $100 which will get you unlimited pasta with all the fixings plus all the soup, salad and breadsticks you want for eight weeks (9/25/17-11/19/17) at Olive Garden!
And new this year, a chance to go to Italy!! A trip for 2 and all you have to do is buy the pasta pass worth $200. Yep, that's all. No catch. Other than the fact that these pasta passes sell out very quickly so you need to be on it like white on rice. Or rather sauce on spaghetti in this case.
USA Today says that last year Olive Garden had 21,000 passes which sold out in a SECOND! This year, the restaurant has 22K $100 passes but only 50 passes are available for the $200 pass which guarantees you an all-inclusive trip for 2 to Italy on April 7-14, 2018.
Be ready to go at your computer just before 2 p.m. ET on Thursday 9/14 so you can buy your pass. You can get more info about the Pasta Pass and purchase it here.
While the sale goes on for 30 minutes I imagine it won't take very long for them to be snatched up #foodsavages