Oh, Oh! Grand Rapids Winter Parking Rules Go Into Effect in Two Weeks
It's a beautiful day today, the sun will shine and the temperatures will be oh, so comfortable. Perfect Fall weather. Now, I hate to burst this euphoric balloon of ours, but Grand Rapids Winter Parking restrictions will be going into effect in two weeks! Yikes!
Yep, beginning Monday, Nov. 1, seasonal parking rules go in effect for many neighborhood streets in Grand Rapid.
Same-side parking restrictions start on that date to allow city street sweepers and snowplows easier access to neighborhood streets while clearing leaves, tree debris, and snow. Okay, leaves, and debris I get, but I don't want to think about snow just yet.
Actually, it is a safety thing that will keep one lane of traffic open for residents and emergency vehicles.
Fox17 reports that the "much-loved" Odd-even parking takes effect at 12:01 a.m. at the beginning of next month and will be in effect until April, regardless of whether there is snow.
During this time for most Grand Rapids city streets, on dates with an even number (Nov. 2nd, Nov. 4th, Nov. 6th, etc.), parking is prohibited from 1 a.m.-6 p.m. on the odd numbered side of the street.
This flips on dates with an odd number (Nov. 1st, Nov. 3rd, Nov. 5th, etc.), with parking being prohibited on the even numbered side of the street on those dates unless signs indicate otherwise.
If your car, truck, scooter, whatever, is parked on the wrong side of the road, you may get a ticket as the city of Grand Rapids will enforce seasonal parking regulations whether there’s snow on the ground or not.
To avoid a $20 parking ticket, drivers are encouraged to comply with the signs posted on the street. I'd say "urged" to comply is the key word here.
If you do have a complaint about this, it's easy to call the city using the GRCity 311 app, calling 311, or calling 616-456-3000 at any time.
Want to know more? Here's a map of streets with odd-even and one-side parking restrictions. CLICK HERE!
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