If you’re a teacher or support staff at a Michigan school, either public or nonprofit non-public, you could be eligible for hazard pay as a thank you for teaching during the pandemic.
MLive reports that the Michigan Legislature approved and Gov. Whitmer signed in the state budget, $53 million for teachers and $20 Million for support staff to be paid out as hazard pay. Which breaks down to $500 per eligible teacher and $250 for eligible support staff.
As the MLive story states,
To be eligible, staff must have worked 75% of the 2019-20 school year in person before Whitmer closed schools April 2 because of the pandemic.
Wondering what "support" staff is eligible for the hazard pay? MLive says any full or part-time aides, paraprofessionals, or other “non-instructional” staff at a public school is qualified for the $250.
If you are eligible for the hazard pay, Governor Whitmer's press release and MLive said you should talk to your school district to make sure you get you to pay when disbursement of the funds start in February 2021 by the Michigan Department of Treasury.
According to MLive, the Governor said in her press release,
“Our teachers and support staff have made incredible sacrifices this year to ensure our kids can get a great education while Michigan fights the COVID-19 pandemic. They deserve all of the support we can give.”

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