Michigan Lawmakers Want To Remove License Requirement To Conceal Carry A Pistol
Legislation recently introduced in the Michigan State Senate would allow gun owners to carry their guns, openly or concealed, without having to obtain a license.

The package of bills would repeal the current requirement to obtain a concealed pistol license for individuals who are not otherwise prohibited from possessing a pistol and allow concealed carry without a license where either open carry or concealed pistol license holders are currently allowed to do so.
While Michigan is a so-called “shall issue” state, residents must first complete a state-approved pistol training course, submit their fingerprints to a state database, and pay a $100 application fee in order to receive a concealed pistol license. The license expires after five years, and license holders must pay $115 to renew a license.
Sen. Victory says that only the law abiding, by definition, are likely to follow the current CPL requirements:
Criminals by definition operate outside of the law, whereas CPL holders are amongst society’s most law-abiding citizens. Yet, it is far more likely that otherwise responsible gun owners find themselves unintentionally violating the current and unnecessary concealed pistol law than it is stopping someone with criminal intent.
While current legislation would cut the current fees for CPLs, Senate bills 489-492 would get rid of the requirement entirely.
The set of bills was announced by the Michigan Senate GOP and is sponsored by lawmakers Sen. Roger Victory of Hudsonsville, Sen. Aric Nesbitt of Lawton, Sen. Lana Theis of Brighton, and Sen. Tom Barrett of Charlotte.
If approved, Michigan would join at least 20 other states with similar laws on the books.