Lake Superior State University Releases 2015’s Banished Words List
Lake Superior State –- the smallest public university in Michigan -- has released its annual list of banished words.
The list’s proper name is the List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness, and has been a Lake Superior tradition since 1976.
Which words have been banned this year?
This year’s list is pretty on-point, with many of the words being pulled from pop culture.
I've seen this word used everywhere and I have no idea what it means. Thankfully, LSSU has helped me out with that.
"Meaning 'before anyone else.' How stupid! Stop calling your boyfriend 'bae'." -- Evie Dunagan, Manheim, Pa.
Polar Vortex
Not only was this phrase overused in 2014, it was also one of the most Googled phrases of the year!
"Wasn't it called 'winter' just a few years ago? -- Dawn Farrell, Kanata, Ontario
I blame Justin Bieber for the overuse of this word. Stop it.
"The word has become so overused that it is not 'swag' to not use the word 'swag.'" -– Devin, Farwell, Mich.
This is one of those words that exists in the world that I, personally, cannot stand. Turns out a lot of people agree with me.
"'Someone who enjoys food' applies to everyone on Earth. What's next? 'Oh, I'm an airie; I just love to breathe.' 'Could we do it at 11, instead? I'm kind of a sleepie.'" – Andy Poe, Marquette, Mich.
Do people seriously use this word? I mean, I've used it, but only when mocking someone else. People use this word for real? I have lost faith in humanity.
"I'm sick of hearing myself say this! Must be banned!" –- Roxanne Werly, Traverse City, Mich.
In all, the folks at Lake Superior State have suggested 11 words and a suffix for banishment this year, and I have to say that I agree with pretty much all of them.
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