Important! Jaywalking in Michigan! Is It Legal or Illegal?
Jaywalking, what is that anyway?
It is the act of pedestrians crossing a street in a place other than a designated traffic regulated crosswalk or against traffic signals.
In other words crossing in the middle of a street to get to the other side, or crossing an intersection when the walk sign says Don't Walk!
I bring this up because New York City, I swear the capitol of jaywalkers, just made jaywalking legal! Seriously.
The website ibtimes.com wrote about New York City that while pedestrians may now cross anywhere, they are still required to yield to traffic with the right of way and could face civil liability in accidents.
Totally get it, and it's about time. New Yorkers have been jaywalking forever. Today pedestrians dart from between cars to cross the street all the time.
But, what about Michigan and Grand Rapids? We do jaywalk here, of course, but is it legal or illegal? Can we be fined?
Michigan is unique according to Texas News Agadari.com. Michigan has no blanket law prohibiting jaywalking. This means there’s no single, statewide statute that makes jaywalking illegal. Instead, the authority to regulate pedestrian behavior falls on individual cities and municipalities.
Here's another thing. Jaywalking is actually not a legal term in Michigan, according to Seva Law Firm. Pedestrians are generally allowed to cross the street outside of marked crosswalks unless it interferes with traffic, which might result in citations or fines.
By the way, in Detroit if you do get a ticket the fine is $100. Here in Grand Rapids it could be as high at $118. Doesn't happen very often but it does happen.
So now I'm really confused. To jaywalk or not to jaywalk, that is the question. It's totally crazy in Michigan because there is no clear answer.
Take your pick and good luck with that.
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