How do Michigan residents compare to other states in terms of age?

When you think about other states, most people assume certain things about them when it comes to age, whether it is right or not. For example, one person might think that Florida is filled with retirement-age people, while another person may think the state is full of young folk.

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Well, let's get to the bottom of it for Michigan. When it comes to the overall median age in the United States, the average age is 39 years old. Michigan is actually one year above that. The median age of Michigan residents is actually 40, which puts our state at #10 on the list. Of the residents of Michigan, 21.4% are under 18 years of age and 18.2% are over the age of 65.

The state with the oldest average age is Maine at 45 years old. Utah wins the award for youngest with the median age there being 31.

To me, Michigan seems to be one of those states that just pulls you back in when you try to leave. I have so many friends that have moved to other states and only a small minority of them are still gone. The vast majority of them always return home to the mitten after a few years.

Don't get me wrong, I love Michigan and everything it has to offer, but my long-term plans are not here. Eventually, once the kids are grown and on their own, this guy is moving south with no intention of returning. I need great year-round weather and access to the beach in my future.

If you are in the same boat, check out the median age and percentage of people over 65 in every other state below.


Are Michigan Residents Older Than the Average American?

How do Michigan residents compare to other states when it comes to average age? Find out here.