Most Michiganders throw their trash away and don't think twice about it. However, you can't throw everything away. In fact, some things are illegal to throw away.

You can't just toss everything in your at home garbage bin and expect that it can be taken away by the weekly trash collection. Things that are illegal to throw out with the trash need to be disposed of properly.

Read Related: Michigan Goodwill Doesn't Accept These 19 Items

Take old tires, for example. Some landfills might accept old tires, but they need to be processed first. Meaning cut in half, shredded, or chipped.

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We learned that old tires, beverage containers (like returnable beer and pop cans and bottles), yard clippings, batteries, and asbestos are all illegal to throw away in Michigan. But it turns out there's more than that.

Read Related: 5 Things That are Illegal to Throw Away in Michigan

Here's a look at 9 more things that are illegal to throw away in Michigan.

One thing to keep in mind while reading this list is that it's wide ranging... meaning, not everything on the list will you even have access to in order to throw away. So, chances are, you are probably safe.

Refrigerant Containing Devices (fridge, freezer, AC unit, dehumidifiers, etc)

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Canva Pro

Hazardous Waste

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Canva Pro

Medical Waste

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Canva Pro


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Canva Pro

Used Oil

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Canva Pro

PCB Waste

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Canva Pro

Empty Drums

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Canva Pro

However, crushed drums, drums that are cut in half length wise, or drums full of accepted solid waste are okay.

Low-Level Radioactive Waste

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Canva Pro

Reusable Propane Tanks or Other Similar Pressure Vessels

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Things That FEEL Illegal in Michigan That Aren't

No, none of these are against actual Michigan laws...They just feel like they are part of some "Michigander Honor Code" and should still not be violated.

Gallery Credit: Maitlynn Mossolle

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